Maxine Raymor here, welcome to my web-store! One day I was looking for organic food with a long shelf life to store for emergencies, like an earthquake or something. I was thinking, say, 20 year shelf life or so but I found that very little organic was offered at that time. That's when I decided to start up this web-store offering healthy emergency food that is also perfect for camping. Options are better these days than when I first started, so there is much to choose from below.
EMP Attack & Off-Grid Living
A few years later this whole North Korea thing happened and the threat of an EMP strike was in the news. I did some research and yeah, this is a really scary thing. Our electric grid would go down for literally years if there was an EMP, either from a strike or from a solar storm. How long? Read my article on Electric Grid Recovery.
That's when Dan I started thinking seriously about living without electricity for years. We looked at our current life and imagined what we would need to live without electricity. For instance, we love fresh juice and use our juicer a lot. If we had no electricity for years we would be out of luck - unless we could find a hand-cranked juicer! Check out our Extreme Off-Grid Living products below to discover human-powered, hand-cranked kitchen appliances and tools. Plus, we have a section for basic prepping essentials.
Other Cool Off-Grid &
Electric Prepping Items
Product Offerings
Extreme Off-Grid Living
Human-Powered, Hand-Cranked
Tools, Appliances & More!
Survive2Thrive 40 Day Pail
NuManna Organic Freeze Dried Cooked
NuManna Family Pack
Whole Organic Raspberries
Certified Organic Alfalfa Sprouting
Certified All Organic, Non-GMO Storage Food!
Complete Nutrition Pre-Packaged for You
Hand Cranked Drill w/ Bits
Treadle Powered Sewing Machine
Hand Cranked Washing Machine
Hand Cranked Wrench
Wind-Up Loud Bell Alarm Clock
Human Powered Tools & Household Appliances
for when the Electric Grid is Gone
Certified Organic - One Serving Packets!
Perfect for Hiking, Forced Evacuations or Bug-Out
Soft-Sided Pet Carrier (Bug-Out!)
Yakisoba Noodles
Blueberry, Walnut, Oats & Quinoa
Storage Food Options
Certified Organic and/or
GMO-Free Foods!
Blueberries, non-GMP, Gluten Free
Raspberries, Non-GMO, Gluten Free
Potatoes, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free
Corn, non-GMO, Gluten Free
30-Day Gluten Free, Non-GMO
NuManna Defender Pack with Meat
All Non-GMO, some Gluten Free (but not all Organic)
Hand Cranked & Sustainable Kitchen
for a Sustainable, Off-Grid Lifestyle
About Us & Our Really Big Off-Grid Dream
Dan and I live in Oceanside, California, but our really big dream is to move to Northern Arizona and learn to live off-grid. Right now we live in a single-wide mobile home in a great big city. The products you discover below lead to our affiliate links. When you click through & buy, we receive a commission. We appreciate it so very much when your help with our big dream by purchasing from our links. We searched out a bunch of Organic & GMO-free food and Off-Grid Tools & Appliances, then we gathered them into one place for your convenience.
About this Website
This is a pop-up free site so you can do some research through our Topic Gallery or check out our Reboot Blogwithout a lot of hassle. We think pop-ups are like flies or gnats that you have to keep swatting away. Yuck!
Our interests include backyard farming, an outdoor lifestyle, sustainable living, eating organic and more. We even research Medieval Life Hacks & Armored Combat Skills because years after an EMP we may all be living in the New Medieval Era. We invite you to explore this site. It's much more than just an online store.
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Organic Storage Food
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