Food Storage
or Sensible Prepping on the Cheap
Having a long term food storage pantry in your home produces an unbelievable sense of peace. The stupid-crazy preppers on TV are full of fear and paranoia. That is why these prepper shows choose them.
In the real world, people who set some food aside are very wise. The most common emergency by far is the loss of a job, followed by the second most common, catastrophic illness. These are personal disasters and, believe me, they do happen. In the old days they used to call it "falling on hard times".

Your deep storage food pantry is a great comfort in hard times. We call it a "food savings account". Searching for a new job is stressful. Dealing with something like cancer is even more stressful. Drawing from your "food savings account" is a real plus when hard times come knocking at your door. You will be ready, you will be prepared.
Click on the videos for tips on food storage or skip to "Sensible Prepping on the Cheap" below.
How to Start a Prepper Food Pantry
How to Easily Build a 2 Week
Emergency Food Supply
Basic Long Term
Food Storage Tips, PT 1

You may be thinking that prepping sounds sensible but it sounds expensive or that it will take a lot of space in your house. Not so! My husband and I are struggling to pay the bills, but we have a nice "food savings account" in a small area of our single-wide mobile home. Of course, the more money you have, the easier things get, but you can still do this with little money and in a cramped space.
Tips for sensible prepping on the cheap:
Start with everyday canned food.
Buy only healthy stuff that you like to eat.
Buy 1 extra can when it is on sale, 2 extra cans if it is a serious sale.
Mark the can with the expiration date - Really Big!
Much easier if you put the extra can(s) in a rotating rack like the one in our affiliate link >>>
Sensible Prepping on the Cheap
How to Prep if You're Broke or Only Have a Little Space
By Maxine Raymor
Whether you have a rack or not, use the oldest can first when you cook. Replace as soon as possible.
Keep it simple: Pick the top 5 to 10 canned foods you like. My favorites are tomatoes, pinto beans, corn, peas, & canned chicken.
Make it a habit: Every time you are in a grocery store, think "What do I need today? Then, "What can I buy for my Food Savings?"
​Build up a can or two of food when it is on sale. Replace what you cook and buy 1 extra. You will be surprised at your progress over time. When my husband lost his ability to work because of a fused spine I was so glad we had about 3 months worth of canned food, oats, pasta and rice. That helped get us through until he could qualify for early Social Security. It still isn't easy, but I find that my can racks are filling up slowly again, in case of a fire, earthquake, or if I lose my job.
Because there is a fan... and we all know what hits it!
- Maxine Raymor